Tentang Energi Nusantara

Kami adalah yayasan sosial yang fokus pada energi baru dan terbarukan, berpengalaman sejak 2018 dalam lebih dari 20 proyek di Indonesia.

There is a building with modern architecture in the foreground, appearing under partly cloudy skies. A wind turbine is visible in the background, suggesting an emphasis on renewable energy.
There is a building with modern architecture in the foreground, appearing under partly cloudy skies. A wind turbine is visible in the background, suggesting an emphasis on renewable energy.
A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
Two people are installing a large solar panel on a rooftop in an urban area with numerous buildings and a water tower in the background. The scene suggests an effort to set up renewable energy resources.
Two people are installing a large solar panel on a rooftop in an urban area with numerous buildings and a water tower in the background. The scene suggests an effort to set up renewable energy resources.

Visi dan Misi

Berdiri sejak 2018, kami berkomitmen untuk mengimplementasikan solusi energi terbarukan yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan di seluruh Indonesia.

Lokasi Kami

Kantor kami berlokasi di Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan, mendukung proyek energi baru dan terbarukan di Indonesia sejak 2018.


Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan


Senin - Jumat